Le Choeur des Armand Choir

Un texte de Diane Choinière
Paru dans le numéro Printemps/Spring 2018
Publié le : 22 mai 2018
Dernière mise à jour : 3 novembre 2020
WHY sing in a choir and especially ours? We often hear about the benefits of singing: improved oxygen intake, relaxation, self-esteem and pleasure through group participation. Grégory Charles once said: “It is impossible to sing in a choir with hateful or angry thoughts in our heads. We are stronger in a group than we would…
WHY sing in a choir and especially ours?
We often hear about the benefits of singing: improved oxygen intake, relaxation, self-esteem and pleasure through group participation. Grégory Charles once said: “It is impossible to sing in a choir with hateful or angry thoughts in our heads. We are stronger in a group than we would be alone.” [1] (Translation)
WHO is the Chœur des Armand?
The Chœur des Armand choir was formed in January 2006 and has the special feature of singing a capella (without instrumental accompaniment). Over the years, thirty or so choristers have been meeting once a week to sing together in a friendly atmosphere. Our varied repertory ranges from Renaissance works to well-known modern songs, and includes little gems of traditional folklore from different countries. Our music director, Yves Nadon, through his talent, choice of music and personality takes us off the beaten track and stimulates our enjoyment of singing together.
WHEN and WHERE can you come to hear us?
We present two concerts a year. This year, the first will take place at the Vie Abondante church in Cowansville, on Saturday, June 2, at 7: 30 p.m. The second, at Bishop Stewart Memorial church in Frelighsburg on Saturday, June 9, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets will be available from May 15 and can be purchased from choir members or La Rumeur Affamée in Dunham. You can also visit our web site to learn more about the choir or listen to extracts from previous concerts: http://www.choeurdesarmand.net/.
Would you like to join us?
If you enjoy singing, can sing in tune and have basic notions of music or experience singing in a choir, contact us by calling Yves Nadon, music director, 450 295-2399 or writing to choeurdesarmand@gmail.com.
[1] http://ici.radio-canada.ca/emissions/medium_large/2014-2015/chronique.asp?idChronique=357416