Outdoor Yoga Classes

Un texte de Andrea Price

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Publié le : 3 juin 2024

Dernière mise à jour : 3 juin 2024


Here are two options for enjoying yoga sessions outside this summer.

As the weather gets nicer, it’s time to start up the outdoor yoga classes again and, this summer, I’ve got something special for you! In addition to Mountaintop Yoga classes in Glen Sutton we’re offering a brand new experience… Goat Yoga!  On alternating Saturdays, you’ll have the chance to join us for either of these two outdoor classes (weather permitting, of course).  Here is a brief description of both.

Lovely baby goats ready for play. Photo Andrea Price

Mountaintop Yoga

Mountaintop Yoga is a medium-paced, 90 minutes hatha vinyasa-style class with a mixture of standing, sitting, and reclining poses. You’ll get a good stretch as well as building strength and stability, all while enjoying the most spectacular view of the Quebec and Vermont mountains!  All levels including beginners are welcome. You don’t need to have any previous experience to join. This summer it’ll be on Saturday mornings at 9:30 a.m..  

Goat Yoga

Goat Yoga is actually much more about the goats than it is about the yoga! This is a chance for you to spend an evening with ten playful, jumping, baby goats and their mamas at their home on the mountain, just outside of Sutton. We’ll start with a walk through the pasture, up to the platform which overlooks a peaceful pond. After a short meditation and breathing exercise, the goats will then come and join us, and the fun begins! As we move through some simple poses, we’ll laugh, play, and forget about any seriousness that we came with. You’ll stretch your muscles as well as your smile. Afterwards you can take an optional walk with the goats through the forest, and ask the goat farmer any questions you might have about the animals. 

Check out the schedule and sign up at www.mudrametta.com.

Andrea Price