Pina Macku in Switzerland

Un texte de Geneviève Hébert

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Publié le : 22 février 2020

Dernière mise à jour : 3 novembre 2020


Sutton resident and artist Pina Macku has been invited to do a solo show at a gallery in Basel, Switzerland called KUNST.part. She was so excited she immediately jumped into production. Now that the creative part is complete, she is losing sleep over all the logistical details of shipping sculptures made of recycled wood and…

Pina MackuSutton resident and artist Pina Macku has been invited to do a solo show at a gallery in Basel, Switzerland called KUNST.part. She was so excited she immediately jumped into production. Now that the creative part is complete, she is losing sleep over all the logistical details of shipping sculptures made of recycled wood and old tools.

Pina Macku dreamt her sculptures, mostly migrating birds, might fly over on their own instead of giving her a headache over transportation. That would still however leave behind the cows and other creatures.,

While there, she hopes to sell all her sculptures and intends to promote Sutton as the place where the “Fête nationale de Suisse” takes place every August. It is the largest celebration outside of Switzerland, attracting thousands of people from all of Canada as well as Switzerland. The owner of the Pinorama B&B here in Sutton, she will have her brochures ready.

We wish her good luck on this adventure!

Discover more about Pina by reading other articles.