Andrea Conway

story of a transplant

My kidney transplant, a year later

Par Andrea Conway / 20 février 2020

It is hard to believe that more than a year has gone by since my kidney transplant. Where do I start? Firstly by saying that I am doing very well. Having a transplant not only saved my life but has enriched it in ways I could never have imagined. I am also forever grateful. The…

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My transplant experience

Par Andrea Conway / 25 février 2019

In the spring of 2018, my husband Wayne and I were offered a long tap-dancing contract for the fall in Seattle at Teatro Zinzanni. As I had been on the transplant list and undergoing home peritoneal dialysis, 9 hours nightly for just under 2 years, I did not feel I was physically up for such…

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Tap dancing: Wayne Coba & Andrea Conway in the classroom

The Art of Teaching

Par Andrea Conway / 19 février 2018

This past fall, my husband Wayne and I started teaching a tap dancing class. Our style is American rhythm tap. We were both taught in very unconventional ways. Wayne was fortunate to have learned from Eddy Brown, who was the shadow dancer for Bill Robinson (aka Mr. Bo Jangles, who starred in several Shirley Temple…

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Tap dance classes by Andrea Conway

Tap Dancing classes for all! 

Par Andrea Conway / 19 août 2017

Cours de claquette pour tous! After years of people asking, we are finally ready to share the art and joy of tap dancing and hope to start tap dance classes at the beginning of November. Depending on the demand, we would like to offer one class for students aged 7-16 and an adult class for…

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Organ donation saves and improves many lives

Par Andrea Conway / 8 mars 2017

The saying “You are never given something you can’t handle” is being put to the test since I was diagnosed last spring with kidney failure. The doctor advised me that going to Seattle to perform, Dik and Mitzi, our husband and wife comedy tap dance duo in the fall would not be a good idea.…

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