Susan Keays Kreations moves up

Un texte de Olivia Enns
Paru dans le numéro Hiver/Winter 2020-2021
Publié le : 26 novembre 2020
Dernière mise à jour : 8 Décembre 2020
Boutique Susan Keays Kreations has moved only a hop and a skip away from its original space tucked away between Le Comptoir and Nath’Elle on main street, Sutton. That being said, a lot has changed in her shop.
Boutique Susan Keays Kreations has moved only a hop and a skip away from its original space tucked away between Le Comptoir and Nath’Elle on main street. That being said, a lot has changed in her shop.
Currently situated between the new Kokkaku Ramen place (old Tartinizza) and the French-style crepe restaurant La Galette, Susan’s store can accommodate more visitors due to COVID-19 restrictions. Since Susan Keays also works as a professional care-giver attending a young man in a wheelchair, the space is ideal for her to work in a larger and roomier setting. In addition, she has partnered up with Cindy Jacobs. The latter is renowned for her knitted hats and scarves, in order to attract a more diversified clientele. But rest assured, you can still find Susan’s beautiful decorative items including large, colourful, and cheerful handbags made of recycled fabrics such as burlap, as well as decorative cushions and dolls.

Having worked as a specialized educator her entire life, Susan took up decorative arts as a hobby. She featured her work at Sutton’s art gallery and shop Farfelu between 2005 and 2011. Then she decided to open up her own store to keep up with demand. “Life gets busy,” she acknowledged. In November 2020, Susan will be celebrating three and a half years of business. She looks forward to welcoming you at her new shop at 19, #5 rue Principale in Sutton.
Boutique Susan Keays Kreations is open Thursdays to Sundays from 11 am to 5 pm. For more information, visit