Histoire & Patrimoine
Nancy Hawley’s Secret
Nancy Hawley was an itinerant teacher. She lived to be 101 years old. Here is her history and the secrets of her longevity.
That Sinking Feeling
At its launch in 1750, the warship L’Orignal was a total loss because she was made from “inferior wood” cut in the forests of Saint-Armand.
Le Tour a 40 ans !
Les 160 numéros publiés depuis 40 ans constituent des archives précieuses qui permettent de mesurer la vigueur de la vie culturelle et communautaire de Sutton, de découvrir la richesse de son histoire et de son patrimoine, de dégager les tendances qui sous-tendent son évolution.
Héritage Sutton at 40 years
Official Héritage Sutton was born 40 years ago. It has since given the population years of research, documentation and writing about the History of Sutton.
The Devil’s in the Details
Most details within the Martin legend are not quite true, but it shows that in far-fetched family stories, there is an essence of truth.
Coming Up Short
From 1798 to 1804, missionaries from the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (SPG), came to St. Armand and quickly left again. John Doty, Robert Quirk Short, James Tunstall, and Charles Caleb Cotton.
Expo Au fil des saisons
Cet été, le Musée de Sutton présente une exposition qui met en valeur notre environnement fertile et ce qui pousse chez nous.
Goûter le passé au Musée Missisquoi
L’exposition au Musée Missisquoi donne un aperçu de l’interaction entre l’histoire, la nourriture et l’identité communautaire de la région.