Lynda Graham


When is a table not a table?

Par Lynda Graham / 25 février 2024

The community development table provides a forum where our community organizations can work collaboratively on agreed common causes.

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seniors Lynda Graham

Precious individuals

Par Lynda Graham / 9 novembre 2023

Our communities’ organizations depend largely, or entirely, on volunteers, of which a very high proportion are seniors. It can be easy to minimise this contribution.

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budget participatif participatory budget

Yes. It’s Your Turn

Par Lynda Graham / 17 août 2023

This Fall, Sutton citizens aged 10 and over will get the chance to vote for their preferred project in the Town’s very first participatory budget for which $50,000 has been allocated from the Town’s investment funds.

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municipal election

If Not You, Who?

Par Lynda Graham / 30 mars 2021

Back in 2018, in the Winter Edition of Le Tour, I wrote an article called Who Knew? about some of the things I had learned during my first year as an elected municipal councillor. And now—in the blink of an eye, it seems—this year it is again the time for municipal elections. The ministry (MAMH)…

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gîte Vert Le Mont

Ten Thousand Pillowcases Later

Par Lynda Graham / 25 juin 2020

As I write this, it is not certain when and how Bed and Breakfasts will reopen in the context of COVID-19. What is certain, however, is that, after 15 happy and successful years, my career operating a B&B has come to an end. I took over Gîte Vert Le Mont at 18 Maple in November…

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Of Trees. And Newborns.

Par Lynda Graham / 21 février 2020

Trees. Don’t you just love them? Individual trees can come to feel like an old friend—a friendly face that one sees daily. Opposite my house is a large oak. Even now in mid-winter it hangs on to some of its leaves. As if to remind me that new fresh green ones will appear in due…

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carbon footprint

Reducing Our Carbon Footprint

Par Lynda Graham / 3 Décembre 2019

The week of 20–27 September 2019 saw the biggest climate mobilization in history. According to some sources, 7.6 million people went on strike and took to the streets to protest climate inaction. Inaction in the face of a climate crisis due to planetary heating, caused by the increase in greenhouse gas emissions. People from Sutton went…

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siéger sur le conseil municipal

Qui l’aurait su?

Par Lynda Graham / 5 mars 2019

Par Lynda Graham, traduction par Isabelle Capmas Cet article a déjà été publié en anglais dans la dernière édition du journal Le Tour. Il parait maintenant en français, avec quelques légères modifications, à la demande de plusieurs personnes à Sutton qui l’ont jugé suffisamment intéressant pour qu’il puisse être lu par un plus grand nombre.…

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