
Résultats pour : peter turner

A book by Peter Turner

Geneviève Hébert

In Linebound, Peter Turner explores the underlying tensions between the francophone and anglophone Townships communities with his usual keen eye and humorous wit.

Jay R. Sames

Farewell Jay R. Sames

Peter Turner

No one who knew Jay will forget him. He was that rare person who one might properly call, a renaissance man.


Salamanders and Cocktails

Peter Turner

While it was well known that Father had been a devoted conservationist all his life—Fish and Game Club, tree planting, fly fisherman—he did not have a clue about the salamandre pourpre—wouldn’t know one if he saw one.

covid mask

Love in a Time of Covid

Peter Turner

Gordy was a towering 19-year-old defenceman with the Junior B Chasseurs, of Farnham. Since high school, his manly good looks…

Luminaries CIDI radio

The Luminaries

CIDI Radio

Local radio CIDI has an intriguing treat, “The Luminaries” to be broadcast for five Sundays at noon & Thursdays at 2 pm, starting Sunday, December 6th.

Peter Turner

Howard and the Nurses

Peter Turner

For all of his fifty-five years, Howard Laporte was known as “The Walker.” At the age of eight months he’d…


Hibrow Bergeron

Peter Turner

Arsene Bergeron, had inherited the Bergeron’s distinctive single eyebrow across the centre of his forehead, thus his nickname HiBrow.” His…

Canadian Via Rail

« The Canadian » ( from Toronto to Vancouver)

Peter Turner

Shortly after my wife and I boarded the Canadian in Toronto for its four-night journey to Vancouver, a steward introduced…
